
Jim Randel“I just read ‘Quick Start Property Manager Program.’ Terrific job! Lots of info presented in an easy-to-digest format. Congratulations!”

Jim Randel is the author of “Confessions of a Real Estate Entrepreneur” (which I hand out to new real estate professionals at my company) and just recently won a national award for his book “The Skinny on the Housing Crisis.”

Mike Levy

levy-vol2-alt1-233x300Mike Levy is the author of “50 Interviews: Successful Property Managers.”  Russell Munz, author of “Quick Start Property Manager Program,” was one of the 50 interviewed in the book.

Read an excerpt from that interview


Steve MerrittSteve Merritt
Real Estate Agent
Downers Grove, IL

“Russell Munz’s Quick Start Property Manager Program has been a life saver.  The easy to understand format and user friendly documents have helped me gain control of my property management business and personal property portfolio. I was also amazed at the customer service accessibility.  I would recommend Russell’s programs to anyone looking to start a new business or improve an existing one. Thanks Russell!”

1footings4_croppedJulian Evola
Home Builder
Clarkston, MI

“After 20 years of working in residential construction, I found the Quick Start Property Manager Program helped me transition easily into property management. It provided the tools needed to get me started on a new career path and the proper steps to profitability. The Program is convenient, resourceful and constructive. I strongly recommend it to any person interested in becoming a successful and profitable property manager.”

5x7-mejia-586Juan Mejia
West Palm Beach, Florida

“I have been a real estate agent in Florida since 2003. As you know, Florida has been hit hard by the economy slow down. Financing dried up so the real estate market dried up. I wasn’t selling any properties so I wasn’t getting paychecks from closings. I was looking for something to make extra money and found your program.

Thank you very much for the Quick Start Property Manager Program and associated materials. You included all the multi-purpose tools necessary to start a property management business. Now all I need to do is to start implementing the marketing plan. Thank you!”

100_0083_editedKatherine Thorpe
Construction Manager
Cleveland, Ohio

“Thank you Russell. The program is great – within three weeks I had my first clients. The flyers were a big help and the information was key in sounding professional.  All the documents made things easy to sign clients up for my services.”


Bob M.
Orange County, CA

“Hi Russell, I wanted to let you know that I like your book and the forms.  Thanks!”

Donna A.
Gloucester County, NJ

“I wanted to thank you for the Quick Start Property Manager Program – it’s been a great help.”

Marshall A.
Santa Clara County, CA

“Russell, thank you, the materials are excellent!”

Northeast, PA

“Quick Start’s experienced consultants provided us phone coaching and real-world insights that were invaluable in helping us start our property management company from scratch.”

What’s Included

Some of the items in the program…

  • Marketing materials for prospects
  • Prospecting letters
  • Management agreements
  • Inspection checklists
  • Property issues to look out for
  • Bookkeeping and reporting formats
  • Tips and tricks of the trade
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Quick Start Program (w/ printed book)

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About the author

Educated at Cornell University. Trained in the United States Army. Russell Munz has taken resources from both of these experiences to benefit you with the documentation included in the Quick Start Property Manager Program. Read more about Russell…

Why this Property Managment Program?

This is a step-by-step guide to becoming a property manager. It walks you through your first 30 days, provides you with checklists, forms, and templates and most of all, shows you how to find clients so you can start earning money fast!

Take a closer look: Front cover | Table of contents | Introduction | Back cover

© 2019 Quick Start Property Manager Program.